Google Penalty Recovery

Get your Google penalty removed today!

We help businesses get their websites back on top of Google search results after they've been penalized. Our Google Penalty Removal Service identifies and corrects issues, restoring your site's ranking. Recover lost visibility and regain trust with our proven strategies. Our team of experts has a 99% success rate in removing Google penalties.

SEO Services

    Don't let a Google penalty ruin your business.

    Google Penalty Removal and Recovery Services

    Been hit by a Google manual action for violating Google’s webmaster guidelines, i.e. unnatural links, keyword stuffing, paid links, thin content, duplicate content or an algorithmic penalty, i.e. penguin, panda or hummingbird Don’t wait and watch your traffic fade! Take action NOW, and let us restore your website’s rightful ranking.

    Penalty Analysis - Links Audit - Disavow File - Reconsideration Request - Google Appeal - Legal


    • Basic
    • Google Penalty Recovery
    • Package


    • Enterprise
    • Google Penalty Recovery
    • Package

    What Our Experts Do

    Our company is in line of Search engine optimization since more than 24 years. We offer the content services in SEO Copywriting, Blog Writing, Article Creation, Product Description, Social Media Content, Review Writing and Press Release writing

    • Expert link auditors will audit backlinks to determine low quality links
    • Manual Outreach to link owner to get your link removed by emails, contact forms,
    • Contact Link Owner with Whois addresses and phone calls
    • Social media communication with Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.

    Get your Google penalty removed today!

    We help businesses get their websites back on top of Google search results after they've been penalized. We Recover lost visibility and regain trust with our proven strategies Our team of experts has a 99% success rate in removing Google penalties.

    Need help with a sudden drop in website traffic? Our Google Penalty Removal Service identifies and corrects issues, restoring your site's ranking. Recover lost visibility and regain trust with our proven strategies. Don’t let penalties stall your growth; let us be your solution!

    Do you need help recovering from a Google penalty? We can help! Our team of experts are here to guide you through the process and get your website back on track. Get a free consultation today to start recovering from your Google penalty!

    Been hit by a Google manual action for violating Google's webmaster guidelines, i.e. unnatural links, paid links, thin content. or an algorithmic penalty, i.e. penguin, panda or hummingbird Don't wait and watch your traffic fade! Take action NOW, and let us restore your website's rightful ranking.

    Been hit by a Google penalty? Don't wait and watch your traffic fade! Take action NOW and let us restore your website's rightful ranking. Click here to start your recovery journey today!

    "See a dip in rankings? Act fast! Secure your site's reputation and recover lost traffic with our Google Penalty Recovery Services. Dive back into the top results now!"

    "Don't let Google penalties hinder your business growth. Reach out, and let us guide you back to the top. Reclaim your position today!"

    "Penalties can cripple your site's potential. Stand tall again with our expert Google Penalty Recovery. Click to regain your competitive edge!"

    "Lost in the maze of Google penalties? Let us be your guiding light back to prominence. Click for rapid recovery!"

    "A setback is a setup for a comeback. Overcome Google penalties and boost your site's performance. Act now and rise again!"

    Penalty Analysis - Links Audit - Disavow File - Reconsideration Request - Google Appeal - Legal

    A Google Penalty, often referred to as a manual action, results in a website's ranking decline due to changes in Google's search algorithms. These penalties are imposed after human reviewers find non-compliance with Google's Search Guidelines.

    When You Need Google Penalty Recovery Service

    You must opt for Google penalty removal or recovery service when your website is penalized for violating its webmaster guidelines. There are several reasons why you might need these services, including:
    • When you get a notification from Google for manual action for violating its webmaster guidelines.
    • Your website has lost rankings and traffic due to a Google penalty,
    • You have received multiple notifications or warnings from your Google Search Console, indicating that your website may be violating Google’s terms of service.

    Manual Actions

    Manual penalties in Google occur when a Google employee, typically from the search quality or webspam team, identifies a violation of Google Search Essentials and takes manual action against a website. Google’s manual penalties, often termed “manual actions,” are penalties applied to websites that violate Google Search Essentials. Unlike algorithmic penalties, which are automated and applied based on Google’s ranking algorithms, manual penalties result from a human reviewer at Google determining that page pages do not comply with the guidelines.

    Unnatural Links to Your Site

    This penalty is applied for having unnatural, deceptive, or manipulative inbound links by purchasing links or partaking in link schemes,

    Unnatural Links from Your Site

    This manual action is applied for distributing unnatural, deceptive, or manipulative outbound links, selling links without the "nofollow" attribute.

    Influencer Marketing-svg

    Hacked Site

    This manual action is applied If Google detects that your site has been hacked and now contains malicious software or content, This is to protect users from harmful content.

    User-generated Spam

    If your site allows user-generated content (i.e blog comments, forums, etc.) and it's full of spam, you might get penalized for not managing or moderating this content.

    Spam my Free Hosts

    This penalty is specifically for free web hosts that host a significant number of spammy websites.

    Structured Data Issue

    If you're using structured data (like Schema) on your site in a misleading way or if it's implemented incorrectly, you might get this penalty.

    Thin Content Penalty

    Websites with low-quality content, auto-generated content, or scraped content can face this penalty. The idea is to demote content that doesn't provide value to users.

    Cloaking or Sneaky Redirects

    Displaying distinct content to Google compared to users or redirecting users differently can trigger a manual action penalty.

    Hidden Text or Keyword Stuffing

    This action is applied to websites that hide text from users but show it to search engines or excessively use the same keywords to manipulate rankings.

    Pure Spam

    This manual action is applied to websites that are aggressively spammy, using tactics like auto-generated gibberish, cloaking, or scraping content.

    Cloaked Images

    This manual penalty is for websites that display different images to users than what's shown to Google, essentially deceiving the search engine.

    Misleading Mobile Redirects

    Sending mobile users to different content than desktop, without Googlebot access, may lead to a potential penalty you may get Google manual penalty.

    AMP Content Mismatch

    Your website will be subject to manual action if there is a difference in content between the AMP version and its canonical web page.

    Google News & Discover

    These are manual actions specific to Google News and Discover. They are applied to websites that violate the Google News and Discover guidelines.

    Algorithmic Penalties

    Google’s algorithmic penalties are when Google’s search engine updates make it harder for a website to be found in search results. These penalties are not done by people but by computers that check websites and their content.

    Panda Penalty

    This penalty targets low-quality or thin content. Websites with duplicate content, content farms, or poor-quality content may be affected.

    Penguin Penalty

    Penguin targets websites with unnatural or spammy backlink profiles. Websites that engage in link schemes, buy links, or have irrelevant links may be penalized.

    Hummingbird Penalty

    Hummingbird focuses on improving the quality of search results by understanding the context and intent of user queries. Websites with poor semantic relevance or keyword stuffing may be impacted.


    This penalty penalizes websites that are not mobile-friendly. Google gives preference to mobile-responsive websites in mobile search results.

    Page Layout Algorithm (Top Heavy)

    Websites with too many ads or a poor content-to-ad ratio "above the fold" (visible area without scrolling) may face ranking issues.

    EAT (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness)

    Google's Quality Raters Guidelines emphasise the importance of EAT. Websites that lack authoritative content or display false information may need to improve in rankings.

    Intrusive Interstitial Penalty

    Websites with intrusive pop-ups or interstitials that disrupt the user experience on mobile devices may be affected.

    Core Updates

    Google regularly releases core algorithm updates that can significantly impact rankings. These updates aim to improve the relevance and quality of search results.

    Google Penalty Recovery Process

    When your website has been hit with a manual penalty (or manual action)or algorithm penalty by Google, it’s essential to address the problem swiftly and comprehensively. Our recovery process includes diagnosing the issue, making the necessary corrections, and then submitting a reconsideration request to Google. Our process for Google penalty recovery includes the following steps.
    Identify the Manual Action
    We identify the manual action by checking Google Search Console (previously known as Google Webmaster tools) for any messages or notifications related to manual actions.
    Diagnose the Problem
    Carefully review the details of the manual action in the Google Search Console with an analysis of specific reasons for the penalty by Google.
    Resolve the Issues
    Once We have identified the problems, take the necessary actions to resolve them. This may involve:
    • Removing or disavowing unnatural or spammy backlinks.
    • Improving the quality and depth of your content.
    • Enhancing website security and removing any hacked or malicious content.
    • Removing hidden text or keyword stuffing.
    • Implementing appropriate moderation measures for user-generated content.
    We document all outreach emails to webmasters asking for link removal, their responses, and any other relevant actions taken for submitting a reconsideration request.
    Submit a Disavow File (if necessary)
    If we can’t get certain unnatural/spammy backlinks removed after contacting webmasters, We use the Disavow Tool in Google Search Console to tell Google to ignore these links when assessing your site.
    Create a Reconsideration Request
    We prepare a detailed reconsideration request to submit to Google explaining the issues we identified, the steps taken to rectify them, and any preventive measures implemented to avoid future violations.
    Submit the Reconsideration Request
    We Log in to your Google Search Console account and navigate to the Manual Actions section. Submit your reconsideration request.
    Wait for Google's Response
    After submitting the reconsideration request, we’ll have to wait for Google’s response. This can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks. If the reconsideration is accepted, the manual action will be lifted. If not, Google will provide reasons, and we’ll need to address any remaining issues and resubmit.
    Monitor and Respond
    After submitting the reconsideration request, we monitor your Google Search Console account for any updates or responses from Google. They may provide additional feedback or require further action. Respond promptly and appropriately to any requests for more information.
    Maintain Good Practices
    Even after penalty removal, it is crucial to continue following Google’s Webmaster Guidelines and best practices for sustainable SEO. We regularly monitor your website’s performance, address any emerging issues promptly, and focus on providing high-quality content and a positive user experience.

    FAQs On Google Penalty Recovery

    We Offer Everything That Needs to Make Your Business Look Great

    Google makes changes in its algorithms on a periodic basis. they keep their name after an animal every time. These updates normally affect your site in some particular aspect. And then you need to check whether your website is penalized by Google or not.

    A no-follow link is a link that is used in a way that stops Google’s search bots from following it through to the destination URL. This has a property of link which is rel=”nofollow”.

    With recent updates of the Penguin algorithm, it has become of utmost importance that you get your backlinks profile audited and cleaned for any type of low-quality links, because with each penguin update, Google has started to penalize even those websites which have a lower number of bad links. If you have received an unnatural link warning in webmaster tools OR experienced decreased search engine ranking, it’s a must to have those bad links removed to lift the penalty.

    If you have received unnatural links messages in webmaster tools, or witnessed decreased ranking, OR still if you think that your backlinks may have unnatural links. Our team of expert link auditors will audit your backlinks for PR, Domain Authority, Anchor Text, Nofollow or Dofollow, and Tlds, etc extensions, etc.

    We have a 99% success rate in removing Google penalties. Let us help you be part of that statistic!